About Us
Ornsson Solutions is a Polish counselling company, specialising in consulting projects and outsourcing of services.
“We are changing business in Europe together with you."
We want to strive for each company to be able to implement an effective development program for its employees.
Our objective is also promoting the highest standard of services in the training sector. This is why we care about constant improvement of competences of our team – it allows us to create the best conditions for employee growth together with our Clients and Partners.
Our values

We know how important an organisation’s mission and values are in the process of its development.

We want the values that we cherish to be reflected in all our activities.



We not only support, but also care for our Clients and Partners. We try to help them, listen to their needs, and provide them a shoulder to lean on.

Support for development

We believe that every person has a unique set of talents to be discovered and developed. We also want to support our Partners in improvement of their competences.


We care for honest, partnership-based relationships with our Client and Providers. What we find important in cooperation is open communication and trust.


We keep seeking better solutions and improvement for our Clients. We help them achieve their business objectives by optimising or modifying the processes they have been carrying out.


We strive to keep growing and to keep expanding and updating the knowledge we have. We want to build expert-level know-how and share it with our Clients.


The foundation for our business relationship is respect for others. We value politeness, tact, and impeccable manners very highly, both at work and outside of it.

Meet our team
Ewa Rosik

Leader of the Training Department

Eve is the Leader of the Training Department and is fully responsible for Ornsson Solutions' Training Outsourcing and Training Broker operations.

She began her adventure with training in 2005. As early as 2008, she became the Director of the Consultancy and Training Office at the Polish Chamber of Automotive Industry and a Proxy at the Polska Izba Motoryzacji Consulting company. In her previous organisation, she oversaw, among other things, the Postgraduate Course for Automotive Industry Managers project and coordinated a number of activities in ongoing EU projects.

The experience she has gained in the past fits perfectly with activity of Ornsson Solutions, which reduces processes, optimises training budgets and improves the quality of training for its clients through continuous evaluation and access to the most effective training companies on the market.

She devotes her free time to painting, travelling with her family, motorboat sports and horse riding.


Jakub Pluta

Business Development Manager

Jakub is responsible for coordinating and implementing processes aiming at growth of Ornsson Solutions, as well as for building long-term relationships with our Clients. He is currently honing his knowledge in a master's degree programme at the Warsaw School of Economics, as well as in various courses to support his competences.

Jakub has been involved with business development since the age of 16. He has gained experience in a variety of organisations in the B2B and B2C sectors. In his own words: the most important thing in customer relations is the 'flow'. Tens of thousands of sales conversations, thousands of meetings and hundreds of successes have moulded Jacob into a person who feels like a fish in water when dealing with clients.

In addition to his activities within Ornsson Solutions, Jakub is involved with Student Research Clubs at his university and carries out a niche production of cakes in his kitchen.

Agnieszka Dąbrowska - Antoniuk

Operations Manager

Agnieszka is an Operations Manager and takes care of development of the Training Outsourcing services. She studied sociology at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

For 7 years she has coordinated ethnographic projects in a research agency, working for international corporations, mainly from the FMCG, finance, and insurance sectors. In Ornsson Solutions, she is responsible for implementing all the training projects for our Clients in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Ukraine.
 She carries out sourcing and negotiations, and handles organisational and administrative matters in order to optimise as far as possible the training processes of Clients.

She spends her free time creating new recipes in her kitchen, and recently she started participating in pottery workshops. Her other great hobby is Scandinavian crime fiction, with books of this genre dominating her home library.

Piotr Falfus

Managing Director

Piotr is the Managing Director and founder of Ornsson Solutions. He received his education at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, and Kozminski University.

He has been involved with MBE Group and the professional HR services market since 2015. During that time, he coordinated tens of outsourcing, consulting and recruitment projects for the SSC/BPO field or companies from the manufacturing and FMCG sectors. He is passionate about creating and optimising processes and firmly believes that Ornsson Solutions' values should be universally prevalent in business environment, which he strives to demonstrate in his daily work. In the past, Peter was involved in the football industry, where he handled international transfers and seeking the best talents. The latter he brought to Ornsson Solutions.

Outside of his management of the company, Piotr is an ambassador of the Foundation for Children with Diabetes, and relieves work stress at boxing trainings and ski slopes.

Małgorzata Kucharska

Processes Consultant

Małgorzata works at the position of Learning & Development Processes Consultant. She graduated from University of Wrocław and Wrocław Medical University.

For several years she had been working with medical centres in Wrocław, providing persistent support to chronically ill people, among others. She carried out workshops for teenagers, seniors and future moms, as well as collaborated substantively with SWPS University in Wrocław in a project regarding mechanisms of change in health-related behaviour. Since 2016, she has been navigating the world of large organisations, where she supported marketing activities as a researcher, as well as coordinated execution of trainings. At present, as a member of the Ornsson Solutions team, she cares for the continuity, effectiveness and sensibility of training processes. In our team, she holds the prestigious title of “chaos herder”.

In order to charge her batteries, she just needs a bike and a beaten beach strip by a lake. When these are not available, she runs to her dancing or drumming lessons.

Ewa Sarka

Learning & Development Administration Coordinator

Ewa pełni funkcję doradczą w zakresie L&D oraz koordynuje realizację szkoleń u klientów Ornsson Solutions. Wspiera też implementację nowych narzędzi służących automatyzacji i optymalizacji procesów szkoleniowych.

Posiada ponad 8-letnie doświadczenia w szeroko rozumianym rozwoju pracowników: od administracji, koordynacji, po doradztwo i prowadzenie szkoleń. Współpracowała zarówno z polskimi firmami, organizacjami pozarządowymi, jak i korporacjami.

W wolnych chwilach lubi podróżować poznając smaki i zapachy różnych zakątków świata oraz próbować swych sił w kaligrafii oraz grze na ukulele.

Szczepan Weremczuk

IT Recruiter

Szczepan is responsible for recruitment processes and the development of Ornsson Solutions' IT Outsourcing service. He gained his experience in the market in international companies with a global reach.

He began his career in recruitment in 2017. Over the years, he has gained knowledge in the IT industry and experience in establishing long-term relationships with developers, support departments, Big Data experts and also project managers. In his work, he appreciates honesty and clear communication.

Outside of work, he gets his energy from walks with his dog and kickboxing training, and in his quieter moments he follows Formula One and MotoGP racing.


Maja Szymańska

Training Coordinator

Maja is the Training Department Coordinator and is responsible for liaising with the Client in the implementation and handling of training for their employees. She studied Management at the Vistula University  and Tourism and Recreation at the Vistula School Tourism and Hotel Management.

Her experience in coordinating trainings and building relationships, as well as her negotiation skills, allow her to select and tailor her training offer to the individual needs of each client.

She spends her free time travelling, mountain hiking and reading books on personal development.



Aleksandra Woźniak

Training Coordinator

Ola acts as the Training Coordinator and is responsible for organising trainings tailored to the individual needs of our Clients.

She studied sociology at the University of Warsaw and translates the competences she acquired there into a holistic approach to Clients' requirements.

In recent years, she has gained experience as a team leader and cared for the optimisation of management processes. She believes that partnership and sincere communication form the basis of successful collaboration.

Privately, she is a fan of Asian cinema and mountain hiking and has recently become fascinated by Far Eastern culture.


Magdalena Niezgoda

Koordynator ds. szkoleń

Magdalena specjalizuje się w identyfikacji potrzeb szkoleniowych oraz projektowaniu najlepszych rozwiązań pod konkretne oczekiwania Klienta.

Wiedza zdobyta w działach HR dużych firm, zarówno w Polsce, jak i w Wielkiej Brytanii, umożliwia jej skuteczne weryfikowanie potrzeb szkoleniowych Klientów, a także zrozumienie potrzeb biznesu.

Za główny cel we współpracy stawia sobie bycie partnerem i doradcą w kompleksowym przygotowaniu, realizacji oraz ewaluacji wszelkich projektów szkoleniowych, także tych na rynkach zagranicznych.

Absolwentka Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej, z doświadczeniem jako trener wewnętrzny i trener kompetencji miękkich. W życiu, podobnie jak w pracy, stawia na rozwój, ciągłą naukę i stawanie się każdego dnia najlepszą wersją samej siebie.

Pasjonatka wszelkich podróży, zafascynowana znaczeniem inteligencji emocjonalnej w każdym aspekcie życia.

Największą przyjemność sprawia jej słuchanie ludzi, gra na pianinie i spacery z jamnikami.

Dominika Westfal

Koordynator ds. szkoleń

Dominika, zajmuje się koordynacją szkoleń w Ornsson Solutions.

Jest absolwentką Łódzkiej Szkoły Filmowej, na kierunku Organizacji Sztuki Filmowej. Wykształcenie pozwoliło jej rozwinąć umiejętności zarządzania różnorodnymi projektami, we współpracy z wieloma osobami. Ma indywidualne podejście do każdego projektu i stara się poszukiwać różnych rozwiązań, najbardziej dopasowanych do potrzeb Klientów.

Dominika ceni sobie współpracę opartą na szczerej komunikacji, szacunku i otwartości.

Doświadczenie zawodowe pozwala jej na rzetelną i konstruktywną koordynację projektów, na każdym jego etapie.

Prywatnie Dominika jest zaangażowana w rozwój wewnętrzny, rozwija się w kierunku psychologii. Interesuje się filozofią (głównie Dalekiego Wschodu, lecz nie ogranicza się), technikami medytacji, ayurvedą oraz jogą.


Ornsson Solutions is a part of the MBE Group.
MBE Group is a Polish capital group, the mission of which is providing comprehensive support for employers within the scope of design and execution of HR processes.
The scope of services provided by the group includes:
  • outsourcing of trainings, L&D functions, and business processes,
  • websites, printed guides, and mobile applications that support recruitment and image-related activities of employers,
  • consulting for employers within the field of employer branding: strategies, research, communication, and creative services,
  • applications that support recruitment process management,
  • Search & Selection and Executive Search recruitment services.
Let’s care for the growth of your employees. Together.